Vertical Community
50+Campus for Senior Venture
Location Gwangjingu, Seoul, Korea
Typology Senior Venture Support Facility and Senior Care Center
Status Competition Entry
Client Seoul Metropolitan Office
Size 8,500m²
Our proposal aims to form a mutual community for interactions among generations and classes as transplanting a vertically expanded urban fabric into the interior space. Instead of directly revealing the juxtaposed program between 50+ Campus for senior venture and Senior Care Center with two separate building masses, we pursued a way how they two coexist in a stacked spatial organization. The complex program was rearranged for the public priority, then emphasized the accessibility at the lower levels. Simultaneously it intends to extend the publicity through the spiral open space which rolls up the entire building. In so doing, we expected to create an interactive realm among the visitors which works for the original functions of the building; senior venture and life-long education.